
What is beyond the horizon is revealed not when you crossed it but when you made it.

-ruthi orona-gregoire

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Zenserly said…
aahhhhh awesome photo...great words...miss yah sistah!:-)
Self Sagacity said…
you really know how to do your photos.
joaquĆ­n said…
A very nice imagen, as all I've seen in your blog
forgetmenot said…
So dramatic and beautiful--perfect in B&W. Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)
betchai said…
ohhhhhh, so beautiful!!!! Ruthi, I so love this shot, really a winner!! am beyond words to say exactly how this picture makes me feel!! All I know is that these are the scenery that makes my heart leap for joy and my eyes wet with tears for thankfulness. God is soooo good!
Beautiful photo.

Regards and best wishes
rainfield61 said…
Yes, the picture speaks very well.

And, miss yah sistah!

(I should have understood the meaning of the last sentence well!?)
Dragonstar said…
Wonderful light, and the silhouettes are so striking.

Sorry to be so late - computer trouble!

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