
When all is said and done, the weather and love are the two elements about which one can never be sure.

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Unknown said…
this is quite a powerful photo, facing the sun is tricky and yet you managed to incorporate it into your frame.
ruthinian said…
@Dave... thanks... a compliment coming from you is indeed an honor.
Ginny Hartzler said…
Hi, Ruthi, so nice to meet you! Your photos are WONDERFUL!!! Especially the eye on a fly and the ladybug. I have been looking at some of your past posts. My granddaughter is Chinese, and they call the little adopted Chinese girls in America "Little Ladybugs". You are extremly talented in photography, I'm wondering if you are a professional, and do this for a living. I am signing up to follow you. I can't find your profile, though, so I know nothing about you. Where do you live and so on. How long have you been blogging? About your very practical bathroom break question. The restaraunt was letting people come in to use their bathroom, but they were not yet open for business. Please feel free to e-mail me.
Anonymous said…
This is beautiful, Ruthi! The fog on the water is so mysterious!
Lindy said…
There's something magical about early morning fog. This is a lovely capture. Excellent quote, too.
ruthinian said…
@Ginny...thanks for visiting. I sent you an email to answer some of your questions.
Jesson Balaoing said…
beautiful, like it! i recommend your blog to my cousin hes a nature lover,..
ruthinian said…
@Icy... I agree. I was mesmerized by the scene that was why I stopped to take this photo.
ruthinian said…
@Lindy... Yes, this is one of my favorite shots.
ruthinian said…
@Jason&ReyAnn... oh thanks for the recommendation... I appreciate it.
Zenserly said…
hi Ruthi sistah...i love it, love, love love it!
Zenserly said…
hi Ruthi sistah! i love it love it...-kulasa-
ruthinian said…
@Phoebe... thanks Sistah for the visit.
Barb said…
Hi Ruthi, What a great photo - the action and the light are wonderful - I like the dust rising in the field. It looks like a mini-story! I am also partial to Alice Hoffman.