Hang On

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

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Anonymous said…
What a great shot, Ruthi, that's really cute!
srp said…
Dragonflies always look like they are performing the most extraordinary balancing act. I took a picture of one balanced on a clothes line just above my head and it looked like a delicate tightrope walker. Very nice shot.
Ginny Hartzler said…
What an exquisite shot!! You even got the little hairs on his body!
betchai said…
awesome shot Ruthi, I always love shots like these that shows the vivid eyes of the subject.
Great capture. It really does look like it's holding on :)
eileeninmd said…
Beautiful dragonfly and a great capture.
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Beautiful shot, Ruthi..I like the lighting in this photo!
Self Sagacity said…
Oh no, it's going to fall! No worries, there's the wings! Smiles.

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