Down the River Again

If you have been following this blog... you know by now that I frequently go up the mountain or down the river almost every other weekend.

Yes, I was there again this weekend and did gold panning and camping. We found a few gold specks... in other words not really very lucky compared to the guy we met there who found half an ounce of gold nugget. Boy, Hubby was totally jealous.

As for me... it was my very first time camping... the hardcore way.

Our Weekend Memoirs

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Ginny Hartzler said…
Wow! First time camping in a tent? It is a very nice tent, too. Did you always use a camper before? Well, how did you like sleeping in the tent? Did you have an air mattress, and did any creepy crawlies bother you?
VanillaSeven said…
Camping by the river sounds awesome :) Been wanting to try that.
betchai said…
i am jealous Ruthi, I wanted to experience camping the hardcore way too :(

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