Before and After

WARNING: The following photos may seemed to be a little disturbing. LOL Kidding aside, they are photos of the same place taken an hour apart last 4th of February 2011. There was no special effects or photo editing done except the watermark. The photos are straight-of-the-camera shots and I only took advantage of the "natural light" as special effect.
BEFORE... six o'clock in the morning, one cold snowy wintery day in February 2011.
AFTER... six o' clock in the morning, one cold snowy wintery day in February 2011.

- ruthi orona-gregoire

This is an entry @Brenda Photo Challenge entitled  BEFORE & AFTER. Check out other participants HERE.

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Barbara said…
Crikey what a difference! Lovely wintry shots.
Unknown said…
Both are beautiful, but the warmth of the first one is amazing.
Donna said…
I never thought of taking two pictures of a scene at different times! That's a beautiful snow scene!
Tanyia said…
WOW fantastic before and after idea!
This was my first time playing along in the challenge. I look forward to seeing more from you!
Beautiful shots. I love that first one! Great job!
Donna said…
How Cool are These?!!!!!
Love the two shots Ruthi!
What a difference a few hours can make!
Brenda said…
I like your take on this challenge! Beautiful shots!
Ann said…
Firs of all, snow is so much prettier when you see it in other people's That is a huge difference. WOW, awesome. The first has a very dramatic feel to it

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