Orange... you happy?

happiness is two-ways
you give happiness to others
and you feel happy for making other people happy.
life isn't that complicated... we are!

- ruthi orona-gregoire

This is an entry @Brenda Photo Challenge entitled ORANGE. Check out other participants HERE.

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Kathiey's World said…
Love your orange picture. Great job!
Donna said…
What a big ol' fat pumpkin! Love that shape (like mine, LOL) and color!
Nice post, happiness can become contagious.
Sandy Trefger said…
I'm happy and your orange photo is lovely. I like the water droplets on the pumpkin.

Have a great Saturday!
From the Heart of Texas
Anonymous said…
I find this color orange really does make me happy when just looking at this wonderful photo. The softness and kindness you put into words I feel brings happiness as well.
Ginny Hartzler said…
What a HAPPY picture!! You always have something short, but important here to say, too!! Yes, making other people happy makes me happy!!
Ann said…
Love the picture of the pumpkin and the quote is great
Anonymous said…
This is a great macro shot.:)
betchai said…
wow, wonderful shot Ruthi, very creative. yes, we are complicated, not life :)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Your words - so true... Love the pumpkin macro.
Tes said…
Yes, I am! Teehee

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