
Location: Woods by the playground
Occasion: Nature walk with kids

For more interesting sepia photos... visit Sepia Scenes

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Anonymous said…
Magnificent . . . what an interesting photo, Ruthi, that's astounding!!!
Ginny Hartzler said…
Very interesting, I like what you've done with the color. What is that plant?
Ralph said…
The sepia softens the branch down so the green needles are quite visible. No matter how cold and snowy the Winter may be, the needles remain resplendent in their beautiful green!
betchai said…
i love it that you always see something interesting Ruthi
Jeannette StG said…
I love the atmosphere of this photo!
Tes said…
cool composition -stylish! :)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Fascinating composition and the color makes it more dramatic. Well done.

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