Some Days

Location: No. 1 Pond
Occasion: One of those days

For more interesting sepia photos... visit Sepia Scenes

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Joanne Olivieri said…
I really love these sepia tones. It gives the photo a fresh, sunny look with a reflective hue. Very beautiful. I have that on my camera but never use it. You have inspired me to try it out. Gorgeous photo.
Ginny Hartzler said…
Well, THIS looks like a real good day to me...wish I was there!
Ralph said…
The effect is so dreamy, a place to relax and perhaps fall into the state of dreams. Soft the grassy banks are, a day away from work and doing absolutely nothing here is a dream of sorts. Such beauty...
Annie Jeffries said…
I would love to be walking along the edge of this lake and then take a seat on one of the benches and just sit and dream.
Sar@h said…
Beautifull ambience
jeff campbell said…
A photograph that defintely sets a mood...well done...Peace and blessings
ruthinian said…
Thanks for all the wonderful comments. This is one of my favorite spots on earth.
betchai said…
beautiful shot Ruthi, the shadows are awesome which added depth, looks very peaceful, no wonder why this is one of your favorite spot on Earth.
Dimple said…
This is a very good photo. The sepia tones and focal editing work well together to send one into a daydream.

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