Fire And Spirit

Just as a lantern cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without spiritual life. - Buddha

Location: Chi Lin Nunnery, Diamond Hill (HK)


Ginny Hartzler said…
A Nunnery, I never would have guessed! Are the nuns Catholic? That's a large and beautiful lantern.
DoanLegacy said…
Beautiful shot! It looks elusive!
betchai said…
beautiful, and the choice of quote is perfect for the picture. i like the contrast of the glow of the lantern with the dark temple and overcast surrounding.
VanillaSeven said…
Great angle and composition :)
It took me few seconds to figure it out.
Self Sagacity said…
I like the way the lantern is centered i the middle of the temple. It is a temple isn't it? Nice capture.
MedaM said…
Beautiful composition and the perspective in this photo. Great quotes that goes with it.
Your blog is beautiful and interesting.
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Unknown said…
another excellent shot!
Unknown said…
@Ginny.... Ginny, it's a Buddhist Nunnery. It's unfortunate that the monastery is closed to the public. It must be intresting to see what it looks inside.
Anonymous said…
This quote and picture, harmonize one another magnificently!!!

Gary these pictures you take are detailed with such precise, blissful, beauty, that I truly believe you are one of the best photographers that I have ever . . . seen!!!

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