
I tried to ignore a few things that I loved doing from way back.
The fact that I was too busy is an understatement.
The issue of doing a new stuff excites me and so I pursue it.
The thing of the past rests untouched and yet keeps haunting me.
But the brush of happy thoughts always make me go back to what I love.

- ruthi orona-gregoire

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betchai said…
oh, beautiful shot Ruthi, who knows, after taking many very artistic shots with those brushes, you will end up soon really using them :)
Zenserly said…
wow, you do paint sis!!! i visited the link with your flower paintings, so beautiful....i wish i could paint too....where can one buy time? i'd buy some time for you and me to spend painting...teach me hehehehe, love yah sis!
Ginny Hartzler said…
So you are too busy to start painting again? That's a shame, we should always make a bit of time for our passion. You have a gift that needs to be used.
Unknown said…
i saw some of your paintings on your other blog, they are gorgeous.

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