Looking Down

Location: Androscoggin Watershed
Occasion: Off-track trip up north

For more interesting sepia photos... visit Sepia Scenes

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Ginny Hartzler said…
How beautiful and dreamy looking. Did you see many shore birds or animals?
Kramer said…
I like gentle tweaking of the color to tease it out. Nice Sepia Scene.
Felisol said…
I like your photos. I've been scrolling down your blog and am enthusiastic about the way you interpret nature.
A Norwegian expression when looking at mountains behind mountains behind mountains; "Blue behind blue."
This is what I want to say, when admiring your picture.
betchai said…
the tall weeds seem to act as curtain to the beautiful lake with islands, Ruthi.
Annie Jeffries said…
Delicate and etheral. There is just enough color in faint hues of blue to give this a touch of mystery.
Patti said…
Nice perspective on this lake..are those cattails? I had some in my sepia shot today.

Thanks for stopping by. ;-)
betty-NZ said…
Nice shot. Looks like a lonely spot.
maryt/theteach said…
Ruthi, is this your first sepia scenes? It's great! :)
Marice said…
great job! this is so beautiful :)

u may view mine here

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